Haowen Zhou

About me

Tel: +86-18190722339
Email: haowen.zhou19@gmail.com

Zhiyuan College (<10% students admitted), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) 09/2017-06/2021
Bachelor of Science in Bioscience (Zhiyuan Honors Program)
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Xiao Wang and Dr. Jing Li

Research Interests:

Computational Biology/Bioinformatics
Single Cell Genomics, Machine Learning, Image Processing

Selected Research Projects

Wang Lab (Instructed by Dr. Xiao Wang), Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard



  • We introduced spatially-resolved transcript amplicon readout mapping with protein localization and unlimited sequencing (termed STARmap PLUS), a high-resolution spatial transcriptomics concomitantly with specific protein localization in the same tissue section and also expand the gene-coding capacity to 10^6, to draw the single-cell resolution spatial cell atlas in the context of Aβ plaques and tau tangles from Alzheimer Disease(AD) and control samples .
  • The cell atlas revealed a core-shell structure near Aβ plaques composed of disease-associated microglia (DAM), disease-associated astrocytes (DAA), oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPC), and oligodendrocytes subtypes.
  • We also found infiltration of oligodendrocyte subtypes in hippocampal alveus near the tau tangles from CA1 excitatory neurons.


  • Performed differential expression analysis and Gene set enrichment analysis to find out disease associated genes and pathways in each cell cluster.
  • Developed pipeline to integrate the spatial and expression profile to reveal the cell distribution pattern around plaque/p-Tau and cluster the genes based on spatial expression pattern.
  • Conducted pseudo-time analysis with clustering result and potential pathologic evolution pathways of disease-associated cells (DAM/DAA/OPC) were obtained.

Ongoing Project:

Developing a novel model to decipher mRNA dynamics (Synthesis, degradation etc.) at sub-cellular resolution from in situ sequencing data.


Collaborate with Prof. Jia Liu's Lab at Harvard SEAS

Development of an unsupervised and annotation-free framework, termed ClusterMap, which incorporates physical proximity and gene identity of RNAs and thus defines biologically meaningful structures and groups


Benchmarked and validated ClusterMap by performing the leave-one-out benchmark, which calculates the goodness of fit after integrating the ClusterMap-generated expression matrix with scRNA-seq data.


Collaborate with Prof. Jia Liu's Lab at Harvard SEAS
  • Development of in situ electro-sequencing (electro-seq), combining soft bioelectronics with in situ RNA sequencing to stably map millisecond-timescale cellular electrophysiology and simultaneously profile a large number of genes at single-cell level across 3D tissues.
  • In this project, electro-seq was applied to 3D human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte patches to study cardiac tissue maturation.


  • Performed pseudo-time analysis and differential expression analysis to find out variable genes during maturation process.
  • Conducted pathway enrichment analysis (Using g:Profiler) using both reduced-rank regression model and differential expression analysis to reveal related process during cardiac tissue maturation.

Tye Lab (Instructed by Dr. Nancy Padilla ), Salk Institute / MIT BCS



Development of a easy-to-use tool based on computer vision for tracking and analyze multi-animal behavior


  • Build the web interface for end-user to view and manipulate the tracking results based on Javascript and utilized frameworks like Bootstrap and jQuery.
  • Using PyIodine to enable end-user call python curation function inside web browser without opening another terminal window.

Zhao Center (Instructed by Dr. Hongyu Zhao & Dr. Zapata Heidi), School of Medicine, Yale University



Differential Analysis of the immune response of human macrophages infected by HIV/bacteria/fungi using RNA-seq


  • Obtained differentially expressed genes among macrophage samples from HIV/bacteria/fungi patients and control group using DEseq and other statistic tools.
  • Developed a new algorithm based on p-value calculation across multiple ways of comparison to tackle the problem of insufficient samples when evaluating the differentially expressed genes.
  • Analyzed gene circuits influenced by infection using WGCNA(Finding interesting gene modules) and gProfiler(Enrichment analysis).
  • Implemented network and GO analysis to verify the result of our new algorithm.

BioX Institute (Instructed by Dr. Lin He), SJTU



  • A Biological Storage Method with CRISPR and Off-target Detection in Gene Editing with LURE sequences
  • Awarded Gold Medal & Best New Application Project Nominee (Percentage: 1.38%)
  • Details can be found at our team wiki


  • Applied Reed–Solomon code applied in the two-dimensional code to solve the possible storage error caused by off-target effects.
  • Constructed the Wiki system of our team project using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Integrative in situ mapping of single-cell transcriptional states and tissue histopathology in an Alzheimer’s disease model

Author: Hu Zeng*, Jiahao Huang*, Haowen Zhou*, William J. Meilandt, Borislav Dejanovic, Yiming Zhou, Christopher J. Bohlen, Seung-Hye Lee, Jingyi Ren, Albert Liu, Hao Sheng, Jia Liu, Morgan Sheng** and Xiao Wang**

Submitted to Nature Neuroscience. The manuscript was sent for peer review in Sep 15, 2021.
ClusterMap: multi-scale clustering analysis of spatial gene expression

Author: Yichun He*, Xin Tang*, Jiahao Huang, Jingyi Ren, Haowen Zhou, Kevin Chen, Albert Liu, Hailing Shi, Zuwan Lin, Qiang Li, Abhishek Aditham, Johain Ounadjela, Emanuelle Grody, Jian Shu, Jia Liu**, and Xiao Wang**

Link: bioRxiv, 2021 Accepted by Nature Communications in Sep 9, 2021
In situ electro-sequencing in three-dimensional tissues

Author: Qiang Li*, Zuwan Lin*, Ren Liu*, Xin Tang*, Jiahao Huang, Yichun He, Haowen Zhou, Hao Sheng, Hailing Shi, Xiao Wang**, Jia Liu**

Link: bioRxiv, 2021
AlphaTracker: A Multi-Animal Tracking and Behavioral Analysis Tool

Author: Zexin Chen*, Ruihan Zhang*, Yu Eva Zhang, Haowen Zhou, Hao-Shu Fang, Rachel R. Rock, Aneesh Bal, Nancy Padilla-Coreano, Laurel Keyes, Kay M. Tye**, Cewu Lu**

Link: bioRxiv, 2020

* These authors contributed equally
** Correspondence author

Education & Proficiencies

Standardized Test and GPA:

TOEFL: 102 Overall GPA: 3.26/4.3 Senior GPA: 3.56/4.3

Scholarship and Honors:

Zhiyuan Honors Scholarships(2017-2020, for 4 consecutive years) Zhiyuan Honors Sunshine Leader Scholarship (2018)
Undergraduate Scholarships(2017-2020, for 4 consecutive years)Overseas Study Scholarship (2019,2021)

Overseas Research:

Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (Research Assistant), Yale University (Summer Research Intern)


C++ (3 yrs), Perl (3 yrs), Python (1 yr), Javascript (3 yrs)

Data Analysis & Management:

R (3 yrs), MySQL (2 yr), Linux system operation and server management

Web Design:

HTML (3 yrs), CSS (3 yrs), Javascript (3 yrs), PHP (3 yrs)

Selected Enrolled Courses:


  • Computational Biology, Biological Big Data Analysis, Introduction to Functional Genomics, Biostatistics, Introduction to Cardiovascular Mechanobiology,

Biology & Chemistry:

  • Biology (Micro/Macro),Genetics, Biochemistry, Cell Biology
  • Chemical Principles, Organic Chemistry,

Math, Physics, Statistics & Computer Science:

  • Mathematics Analysis, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Generalized Linear Model
  • Introduction to physics
  • Introduction to Computing, Thinking and Approach of Programming, Algorithm and Data Structure, Machine Learning, Principle and Technology of Database

Laboratory & Seminar:

  • Introductory Biology Seminar, Cell Biology Seminar, Genetics Seminar
  • Laboratory of Chemical Principles, Physics Laboratory, Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Biology Laboratory